Thursday, April 27, 2023




Edited by Jim Main & Robert J. Sodaro

Magazine format

36 pgs.


A good friend surprised us the other day by sending along this terrific looking new magazine series devoted to pulps. Not overly large in contents, what this issue # 7 makes up in is the quality of the few articles it does feature. And then there are the wonderful reproductions of art throughout. Note, the color reproductions of the old pulp covers is gorgeous and the sampling of the late Frank Hamilton’s stipple art pieces beautiful.  

Article wise, Will Murray leads off with an insightful look at the evolution of the Shadow into a gun-blasting avenger. Whereas very few fans today are unaware that this particular persona was never writer Walter Gibson’s intent. In the early years, the Shadow left the vanquishing of his foes to others. How all that changed makes for fascinating reading. 

Next up, Michael Housel looks at the career of premier Shadow cover artist George Jerome Rozen and deftly examines some of his more popular pieces. It’s extremely well done. Finally, writer Dennis Kininger takes a look at the Shadow’s agents. He shines a light on their attributes and skills, how they were recruited by the crimebusting avenger and their roles in various adventures. Lots of fun for both long time Shadow fans and newbies. 

All in all, PULP FAN # 7 is terrific, beautiful magazine truly worth your interest.

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