Friday, September 27, 2024




By Robert Silverberg

Hard Case Crime

227 pgs


Though a wee bit dated, this crime thriller pro is still worth a read. Bob McKay is a talented band leader who lets success get the best of him. He becomes an alcoholic and loses his loving girlfriend, Terry, and then his band. Now on the skids, he drifts from one seedy bar to another until, through a series of unfortunate circumstances, he is falsely accused of murdering a local B-girl. Things go from bad to worse when the cops dig up two eyewitnesses who claim he is the killer.  

Considering the time setting, it’s no surprise when the overly eager detectives proceed to beat the crap out Bob trying to get a confession out of him. Silverberg paints a realistic picture of both the good and the bad guys. What turns things around is a nosy reporter name Ned Lowry, who, having previously known the musician, believes him to be innocent. Then Bob’s old flame, Terry, volunteers to help Lowry sharing his feelings. As they start digging into the case, they eventually uncover hidden clues that point to the real killer.

“The Hot Beat” is a masterfully woven tale with an economy of words. Silverberg tells his story clean and neat like a shot of whiskey. And if that wasn’t enough, the good people at Hard Case Crime have added three of his short crime stories to fill out the volume. All in all, a nice package we’re glad we picked up.

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